About Us

About Us

Eleos Family Services is focused on the value of quality community services by assisting and training our employees to follow and apply our core values when helping children, youth, young adults, adults with IDD and their families.

Eleos Family Services collaborates with community partners to facilitate wrap around services and ensure care is provided to reach the common goal set forth.

Mission Statement 

Our mission is to provide enhanced and excellent services to children, youth, young adults and individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities in the community in need of health care services and benefits, by serving, facilitating, educating, and collaborating care.

Our Core Values

  • Compassion: Allows us to show kindness , thoughtfulness and care.
  • Service: Allows us to help, support and to assist.
  • Courage: Allows us to have the mental and moral strength.
  • Trust: Allows us to have healthy relationships with one another.
  • Endurance: Allows us to be patient and persevere.


Our vision is for children, youth, young adults and individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities to receive their requisite opportunities, reach their goals and realize their potential as valued, independent and meaningful contributors within their communities.

Guiding Principles


We esteem the humanity of people with children, youth, young adults and adults with IDD as image bearers of God, possessing inherent value and purpose.


We celebrate the uniqueness of children, youth, young adults and adults with IDD, their experiences, talents, gifts, values, goals and interests. This includes support for the self determined decisions with regards to their life, fulling their potential and purpose.


We support, advocate for the equitable and protected rights of children, youth, young adults and people with IDD.


We aim for the involvement, integration and contribution of children, youth, young adults and adults with IDD as present participants within our society. This is for the good of both children, adults with IDD, families and our community.


We believe at every level of our society we must provide assistance to children, adults with IDD and their families. 

Equity & Equality

We believe society must remove barriers and correct injustices that limit opportunities. Extra action is needed to assist children, adults with IDD and their families, who face other forms of bias or discrimination.


We believe human diversity is beautiful and powerful. We celebrate, honor, and seek to understand the differences in our identities and life experiences and connect in the things we all share.

Respect: Code of Ethics for Support Staff

Our Code of Ethics is intended to guide support staff in resolving ethical dilemmas they face every day and to encourage them to achieve the highest ideals of the profession. This Code of Ethics is not the handbook of the profession, but rather a roadmap to assist us in staying the course of securing freedom, justice, and equality for all.

I will respect the human dignity and uniqueness of the people I support. I will recognize each person I support as valuable and promote their value within communities.

Furthermore, I will do the following:

• Seek to understand the people I support today in the context of their personal history, their social and family networks, and their hopes and dreams for the future.

• Recognize and respect the cultural context (such as gender, disability, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity, socioeconomic class) of the person supported and his/her social network.

• Honor the choices, preferences, abilities, and opinions of the people I support.

• Protect the privacy of the people I support.

• Interact with the people I support in a manner that is respectful to them.

• Provide opportunities for the people I support to be viewed and treated with respect and embraced as integral, contributing members of their communities.

• Promote the use of language that is respectful, sensitive, and contemporary.

• Practice positive intention and transparency in my interactions.


Esther Marte Johnson

President & Executive Director

I love our collaborative work culture! I am focused on bringing compassion in our support of Individuals and Families!

Esther's Bio

Evelyn Arana

Field Supervisor

I first became interested in this field for personal reasons. Someone very dear to me got very sick and I wanted to care for them, I got trained and certified, little did I know that I had found my passion.

Evelyn's Bio

Mariangela Rodriguez

Ops Manager & Human Resources Director

I am committed to developing staff skills, solving complex problems, and fostering an optimistic work culture through effective leadership. 

Mariangela's Bio

Marquis Johnson

Compliance Manager

I enjoy working alongside a talented and dedicated team  who's shared goal is providing excellence in support of persons with IDD!

Marquis' Bio

Danielle Staropoli

Board Certified Behavior Analyst

I have always had a passion for working with individuals with a disability, Eleos allows me to fulfill my goal and the space to grow as a BCBA!

Danielle's Bio

Alyssa Vignone

IIC/BA Supervisor

The reason I love what I do is to aid clients in reaching a life that is more fulfilling for them if they find they do not currently have that.

Alyssa's Bio

Eleos Family Services is an approved Medicaid Individual Supports and Supports Program Provider working with the developmentally disabled adults in the community.

“Alone we can do so little; Together we can do so much.”
Helen Keller
“One person can make a difference, and everyone should try.”
John F. Kennedy
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