Contact /Feedback

Contact Us

If you have any questions about the services we provide, please contact us by filling out the form below and we will get in touch with you shortly. Alternatively, you can give us a call or email us – we hope to hear from you soon!

Eleos Family Services

Business Hours

Mon - Sat

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Send Us a Message

"Let us Know" Feedback Form

Do have a recommendation, improvement or enhancement idea for us? 

We would love to hear from you! As an stakeholder, a person receiving support services or a family member, your voice matters and needs to be heard. 

Why should I do it?
As a company we want to be able to capture valuable ideas, input and information. You can provide a unique perspective. Sharing your ideas helps us to continue to improve our operations, procedures, best practices and culture.

Anonymous submissions 
We do not want to deter you from providing your input. Suggestions are anonymous to ensure you feel comfortable sharing your ideas. 

Accountability and Action 
Individuals, Families/Guardians can expect that HR and Executive Management will track, discuss submissions and communicate any resulting change to operations, working conditions, and anything else that comes out of the process.

How do I do it?
Please complete and submit the below form.

Send Us a Message

"Let us Know" Staff Compliment & Thank you!

Do you have a compliment? Want to show your appreciation? Or do you just want to say "Thank you" to a staff member who goes above and beyond or for their great support?

We would love to hear from you, please share your experiences and testimonials!!

Express gratitude

  • You can say "I really appreciate your help" or "I wanted to express my gratitude for your help and support today". You can also say "Your support means the world to me!" or "I'm forever indebted to you for your support".

Acknowledge their time and effort

  • You can say "I appreciate the way you supported me" or "I'm grateful for your help guiding me through a new skill".

Thank them for their continued support

  • You can say "Thank you for always being there to support me" or "I really appreciate your constant support". You can also say "The assistance you've provided me or your loved one on multiple occasions has been invaluable".

How do I do it?

Please complete and submit the below form.

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