Our Services


We provide a wide range of support services to meet you and your family's needs. We promise to give a smile with every interaction to the highest level of your satisfaction

Behavioral Support Services

Individual counseling, behavioral interventions, diagnostic evaluations or consultations related to the

individual’s developmental disability and necessary for the individual to acquire or maintain appropriate interactions with

others provided by the Behavior Supports provider at the Assessment/Plan Development rate. Intervention modalities must

relate to an identified challenging behavioral need of the individual. Specific criteria for remediation of the behavior shall

be established.  Behavioral Supports includes a complete assessment of the challenging behavior(s), development of a structured behavioral modification plan, implementation of the plan, ongoing training and supervision of caregivers and behavioral aides, and periodic reassessment of the plan.

Community Based Support & Individual Supports

Services that provide direct support and assistance for participants, with  or without the caregiver present, in or out of the participant's residence, to achieve and/or maintain the outcomes of increased independence, productivity, enhanced family functioning, and inclusion in the community, as outlined in his/her Individualized Service Plan (ISP). Community Based Supports are delivered one-on-one with the participant  and may include but are not limited to: assistance with community-based activities and assistance to, as well as training and supervision of, individuals as they learn and perform the various tasks that are included in basic self-care, social skills, and activities of daily living.

Supported Employment

Services needed to help a participant obtain and maintain an individual job in competitive or customized employment, or self employment, in an integrated work setting in the general workforce for which an individual is compensated at or above the minimum wage, but not less than the customary wage and level of benefits paid by the employer for the same or similar work performed by individuals without disabilities. The service may be delivered for an intensive period upon the participant’s initial employment to support the participant who, because of their disability, would not be able to sustain employment without supports. Supports in the intensive period are delivered in a face to face setting, one on one. The service may also be delivered to a participant on a less intensive, ongoing basis (“follow along”) where supports are delivered either face to face or by phone with the participant and/or his or her employer. Services are individualized and may include but are not limited to: training and systematic instruction, job coaching, benefit support, travel training, and other workplace support services including services not specifically related to job skill training that enable the participant to be successful in integrating into the job setting. 

Career Planning

Career planning is a person-centered, comprehensive employment planning and support service that aids for program participants to obtain, maintain or advance in competitive employment or self employment. It is a focused, time-limited service engaging a participant in identifying a career direction and developing a plan for achieving competitive, integrated employment at or above the state’s minimum wage. The outcome of this service is documentation of the participant’s stated career objective and a career plan used to guide individual employment support. If a participant is employed and receiving supported employment services, career planning may be used to find other competitive employment more consistent with the person’s skills and interests or to explore advancement opportunities in his or her chosen career. 

Community Inclusion 

Services provided outside of a participant’s home that support and assist participants in educational, enrichment or recreational activities as outlined in his/her Service Plan that are intended to enhance inclusion in the community. Community Inclusion Services are delivered in a group setting not to exceed six (6) individuals. 

Prevocational Training

Services that provide learning and work experiences, including volunteer work, where the individual can develop general, non-job-task specific strengths and skills that contribute to employability in paid employment in integrated community settings. Services may include training in effective communication with supervisors, co-workers and customers; generally accepted community workplace conduct and dress; ability to follow directions; ability to attend to tasks; workplace problem solving skills and strategies; and general workplace safety and mobility training. Prevocational Training is intended to be a service that participants receive over a defined period and with specific outcomes to be achieved in preparation for securing competitive, integrated employment in the community for which an individual is compensated at or above the minimum wage, but not less than the customary wage and level of benefits paid by the employer for the same or similar work performed by individuals without disabilities. Prevocational Training services cannot be delivered within a sheltered workshop. Supports are delivered in a face-to-face setting, either one-on-one with the participant or in a group of two to eight participants. 

Interpreter Services

Service delivered to a participant face-to-face to support them in integrating more fully with community-based activities or employment. Interpreter services may be delivered in a participant’s home or in a community setting. For language interpretation, the interpreter service must be delivered by an individual proficient in reading and speaking in the language in which the participant speaks.

Natural Supports Training

Training and counseling services for individuals who provide unpaid support, training, companionship or supervision to participants. Training includes instruction about treatment regimens and other services included in the Service Plan, use of equipment specified in the Service Plan, and includes updates as necessary to safely maintain the participant at home

Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapy (OT) is defined by the American Occupational Therapy Association as “The only profession that helps people across the lifespan to do the things they want and need to do through the therapeutic use of daily activities (occupations). Occupational therapy practitioners enable people of all ages to live life to its fullest" (2020). Simply put, OTs assist those with the everyday activities that they want and need to do. These activities are called "occupations." OTs break these into eight categories to address with all clients as necessary and appropriate: activities of daily living (ADLs), instrumental ADLs, social participation, work, leisure, rest/sleep, education and play.
Occupational Therapy Brochure

Physical Therapy

Services are provided by a Licensed Physical Therapist in the participant’s residence.

Speech, Language and Hearing Therapy 

Services are provided by a Licensed Speech Therapist in the participant’s residence. 


Service offered in order to enable participants to gain access to services, activities and resources, as specified by the Service Plan. This service is offered in addition to medical transportation required under 42 CHR 431.33 and transportation services under the State Plan, defined at 42 CrR $440.170(a) (it applicable), and does not replace them. 

Intensive In-Community - Children & Adolescents

Intensive In-Community Service (IIC) is an analytical, focused goal oriented, and needs based clinical intervention that addresses emotional and behavioral challenges of youth with moderate to high needs. It may be provided in a youth’s home or in an amenable community location by a licensed behavioral health clinician and is intended to stabilize and support the youth and family in an effort to deter more intensive interventions and to support the youth and family in collaboration with the Child Family Team (CFT) or identified support system. This is a short-term, solution focused intervention that addresses presenting behaviors resulting in the youth and her/his family/care giver/guardian gaining insight and improving function at home and in the community.

Behavioral Assistance - Children & Adolescents

Behavioral Assistance is comprised of specific, outcome-oriented interventions that are components of an approved, written, detailed plan of care prepared by a licensed clinical behavioral healthcare practitioner. As a provider, we address specific target behaviors. Behavioral Assistance services help children & adolescents and families to develop and practice healthy and positive coping strategies and techniques. The intervention focuses on addressing target behaviors and improving overall emotional, behavioral regulation abilities. Youth who respond positively to Behavioral Assistance Services should exhibit sustainable positive behavioral changes that reflect improved daily functioning, enhance the quality of life and strengthen skills in a variety of life domains including but not limited to:

1. Physical and emotional well-being;

2. Interpersonal communications and relationships;

3. Socialization behaviors and activities;

4. Behavioral conduct;

5. Healthy coping strategies and behaviors;

Behavioral Assistance services are face-to-face interventions provided individually that will provide the necessary support to the youth to attain the goals of the service plan and/or the Plan of Care.

Interested in our services? We’re here to help!

We want to know your needs exactly so that we can provide you with appropriate care . Let us know what you want and we’ll do our best to help. 
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